TOP STORY! iPad 2 to be announced 2nd March!

As posted here on engadget Apple has scheduled an event for 2nd March where the "iPad 2" is set to be announced.

Rumours have been spreading over the past few months about what the next iPad will bring to the table in order to keep it ahead of the competition. I would speculate that the next iPad will include at least one camera (front mounted) for video calling and double the RAM of the old iPad to keep it inline with the iPhone 4. It would be nice to see the next iPad also sporting a "retina display" though this should not be counted upon just yet.

More to follow as details emerge. I will post any information that comes from this event on this blog.

more rumours can be found here


Arya Tabrizi said...

woooooo new iPad yet another Apple product I want but cannot afford!

Surely they'll put a retina on it? Otherwise what people are buying a ram-ed up iPad with a front facing camera?

Facetime on an iPad with retina would be spectacular!

nkbish0p said...

Apple's second generation products are always way better than the first so I think the next iPad will be a great improvement.

However, for easy upscaling (allowing old iPad apps to look nice on a new iPad with a better reesolution) the resolution would probably have to be 4 times the original in a similar way to how the iPhone 4 was upscaled. That would make the res. 2048*1536, seems too far fetched to me...

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