Get 50gb of free on-line storage, courtesy of

Today I bring you a fantastic offer, the opportunity to get 50gb of on-line storage for free! If you need to back up documents, music and videos this solution easily beats the 2gb of storage space offered by dropbox and also lasts forever!

Where do I get it?

Simply download the app on your iOS device and set up an account. This takes under 2 minutes and you are rewarded with 50gb of free storage instantly.

What happens if I don't have an iOS device, but want to take advantage of this offer?

Either borrow one from a friend or visit an Apple store or any store with iOS products on display. You can download the app there, set up your account, then delete the app when you are done.

How long does the offer last?

50 days from today, which is up to Saturday, 3rd December 2011.

Why should I use this over iCloud or Dropbox?

Don't use it over the other options, all offer their benefits and I would advise that like me, you sign up for all three. The clear advantage of dropbox is the space offered.

55gb on iCloud costs $100 per year, 50gb on dropbox costs $9.99 per month.

What is the catch

The only problem I can see with this offer is that the maximum filesize allowed to be uploaded is only 100mb. This is fine for (most) documents and music files, but not large enough for medium long video files such as episodes of television. The service also seems to be less "automatic" than the one dropbox provides.

Made use of this offer? Let me know below!

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