Can I jailbreak? How do I do it?
iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, iPod touch 3g, iPod touch 2g, Original iPad, iPad 2
These devices can currently be jailbroken up to firmware 4.3.3. If you are not running firmware 4.3.3, 4.3.2 or 4.3.1 you should update to 4.3.3 before attempting to perform this jailbreak. For information on how to jailbreak up to iOS 4.3.3 read this post.
Jailbreaks may be available for more recent updates, but will be TETHERED ONLY. This means that every time you switch your device off, you will need to connect it to a computer to turn it back on. Tethered jailbreaks will NOT be covered by this blog.
Jailbreaks may be available for more recent updates, but will be TETHERED ONLY. This means that every time you switch your device off, you will need to connect it to a computer to turn it back on. Tethered jailbreaks will NOT be covered by this blog.
iPhone 3g, iPod touch 2g
These are legacy devices and apple appears to have stopped producing firmware updates for these devices. To find out how to jailbreak firmware 4.2.1 read this post.
iPhone 2g, iPod touch 1g
These are legacy devices and apple appears to have stopped producing firmware updates for these devices. To jailbreak, visit on your devices browser and follow the on screen instructions.
Remember - If you have SHSH blobs backed up from a firmware prior to one that cannot be jailbroken, downgrade and jailbreak. If you have no idea what that means read this post.
After I jailbreak, how do I get free apps?
Read this post here
How can I make sure that if I update by accident I can go back to an old firmware that can be jailbroken?
Always remember: On newer devices and firmwares apple will only allow you to restore to the newest firmware available for your device. You can only get around this if you back up SHSH blobs for each firmware as it is released. Read this post here
How about if I need to unlock?
How can I get a question answered and added to this FAQ?
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More information coming here soon!
Information correct on 12/8/2011
Please notify me if this page needs updating