August update

Hi, I know its been a while since I last updated the blog, been on holiday for a couple of weeks and ironically a lot of things have happened in this scene over that time.

Earlier today I updated quite a large portion of the blog, the summary can be seen below.

Also, for those of you that haven't seen this yet:

Secondly,I have also added a poll on the right hand side of the homepage, please vote as it will help me make my blog more relevant and helpful if I know what devices to target my posts to.

Thirdly, I know I have not uploaded any new app reviews for some time, at the moment I am not quite sure what direction I want to take with this section of the blog so it is kind of frozen until further notice. I am welcome to any suggestions though so either post them here or write to me on twitter @bb0Nk.

Anyway, I hope you find the new content useful! If you have any suggestions for me, please contact me via one of the methods mentioned above.